Keylok Global - Smart Access Control System
47 kallang puding road, singapore

Access Control System

Many modern organizations use keylok access control for the need to protect their assets as well as the need to securely physical access. In addition to that also ensuring the safety of employees and controlling the movement of people with a predefined protocol.
Why Choose KEYLOK
Keylok offers a solution for your security system with many options to suit your needs
Why Choose KEYLOK Support ~blog/2023/8/23/artboard 7 16257 3778 485
Why Choose KEYLOK Solutions ~blog/2023/8/23/reliable f97b7 3778 484
Why Choose KEYLOK Simple  Reliable ~blog/2023/8/23/artboard 6 fd371 3778 474
Simple & Reliable
Other Information KEYLOK GLOBAL ~blog/2023/2/15/website 1Other Information KEYLOK GLOBAL ~blog/2023/2/15/website 1

Access Security System Quality Products and Services Solutions

We are committed to providing quality product and service solutions to meet the needs of security access systems as well as reliable and flexible identification and verification tools according to security standards for your business.
Security and Time Management Solutions
Find out more our product and features included.
Other Information Security and Time Management Solutions ~blog/2022/11/28/n
Latest News
Find the latest breaking news and information on the access control, technology, business, and more.
Our Products
Cabinet lock
Electronic/ Mechanical Lock
Cabinet lock
EM Reader with LED
Access Control Reader
EM Reader with LED
Push Button Plastic Standard
Access Control Accessories
Push Button Plastic Standard
Access Control Panel
Access Control System
Access Control Panel
Ready For More Security? Let's get started!